Biography of Philip Zang
Born: 15 February 1826
Died: 18 February 1899
PHILIP ZANG, founder of the Ph. Zang Brewing Company, of Denver, was a native of Bavaria, Germany, immigrated to United States in by ship in 1853. Married Elizabeth Hurlebaus, who died in Chicago, leaving an only child, Adolph J. Zang.
- Founded Phoenix brewery in Louisville (1859-1869) then moved to Denver
- Bought Rocky Mountain Brewing Co. from John Good (1871)
- Changed name to Philip Zang & Co. (7/1880)
- Sold to UK syndicate-chg. name to PH. Zang Brewing Co. (1889)
- Son; Adolf J. Zang took over management (General Manager)
- Second Marriage (10/1870) to Mrs. Anna Barbara Buck, nee Kalberer, (b.1836)(d.4/1896)
- Previously widowed from marriage to Jacob Buck (b.1832) m(1857-xxxx)
- The family
residence, built in 1887, was at 2342 Seventh street, Denver, CO
Philip Zang, founder of the PH. Zang Brewing Company, of Denver, was a native of Bavaria, Germany, and next to the oldest among the six sons and two daughters of John and Fredericka (Kaufman) Zang. His father, who was a member of an old Bavarian family, engaged in farming and the milling business, and took part in the Napoleonic wars, accompanying the illustrious general on his march to Moscow. He (John) died in 1849, at the age of sixty-two. Two of John and Fredericka's sons, Alexander and Philip, immigrated to America. During the Civil War Alexander served in the Thirty-ninth New York Infantry; he died in Denver in 1892.
Philip was a brewer's apprentice for two and one-half years, after which he traveled around Germany, working at his trade. In 1853 he came to America, going from Rotterdam to Hull, then to Liverpool, and from there on the "City of Glasgow," which landed him in Philadelphia after a voyage of eighteen days.
Ignorant of the English language, his first endeavor was to gain sufficient knowledge to converse with the people here, and during the first six months in this country, while working as a railroad hand, he was storing in his mind a knowledge of our customs and language. In Philadelphia Mr. P. Zang married Miss Elizabeth Hurlebaus, who died in Chicago, leaving an only child, Adolph J. Zang. In January 1854, he went to Louisville, Ky., where he worked at his trade for one year. Later, desiring to learn engineering, he secured employment in a woolen mill, and remained there until January 1859, meantime becoming familiar with the engineer's occupation.
Mr. P. Zang built a brewery in Louisville and this he conducted alone until 1865, when he erected a large brewery, which was carried on under the firm name of Zang & Co. Selling this in February 1869; he decided to locate in the growing town of Denver.
Here he was engaged as superintendent of the brewery owned by John Good until July 1871, when he bought out his employer and continued the business alone. Mr. Good had started the business in 1859 on the same spot, under the title of the Rocky Mountain Brewery, which continued to be its name for some years. In July 1871, Mr. Zang enlarged the brewery, which then had a capacity of one hundred and fifty thousand barrels per annum, and is the largest between St. Louis and San Francisco. There was also a malt house, with modern equipments; an ice plant, lager beer vaults, boiler house, brewery stables, and a switch from the railroad connecting with the main lines, in order to facilitate the work of shipment. In 1880 the name was changed to Philip Zang & Co., and in July 1889, the business was sold to an English syndicate, who changed the name to the Ph. Zang Brewing Company.
In Denver, October 18, 1870, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Anna B. Buck, nee Kalberer, an estimable lady and one who has many friends in this city. The family residence, built in 1887, stood at 2342 Seventh street. For one term Mr. Zang served as an alderman of the sixth ward, to which position he was elected on the Democratic ticket, but he himself is independent in politics. While in Louisville he was made a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and he belonged to Schiller Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., and Germania Lodge No. 14, I. O.O. F., of Denver, of both of which he was a charter member. He was also connected with the Turn Verein, Krieger Verein and Bavarian Verein, and took a prominent part in all local affairs.
From Republican
newspaper Apr. 15, 1896
Death of Mrs.
Philip Zang
She was one of the
first to settle in Denver
Anna Barbara Zang, wife of Philip Zang, the founder of the Philip Zang
Brewing Company of this city, died at her late residence, 2342 7th St.
North Denver, April 14, 1896. Mrs.
Zang leaves a husband and two children by a former marriage, Mrs. P.J.
Fredrick and William Buck.
Mrs. Anna Barbara (Kalberer, Buck) Zang was
born in Schilerbach, Goeppingen county, Wurttenberg, Germany in 1836
and was, at the time of her death, 60 years of age.
She came to
America in 1867 with her first husband going direct from New York to
Kansas where she resided for two years. At the
end of that time the family moved to Colorado and settled in a town near
what is now Elyria. Life in Colorado in the
early days was not the smooth sailing it now is and Mrs. Zang
experienced her full share of its perils. The treacherous and wily
Arapahoes periodically made known to her their existence and an attempt
to cross her threshold oftentimes was wrought with the gravest danger.
the stretch of prairie between Kiowa and Comanche late
in 1859 the prairie schooner in which Annna Buck and her two children,
one three years and the other but little over one year old, journeyed, a
band of blood-thirsty Arapahoes espied the schooner and the bunch of
desireable horses that followed in its wake, and at once gave chase. Everything that would retard progress was cut away
from the wagon and the horses were driven as beasts never before were
for the nearest settlers, Mrs. Tiedemaan. At this
house, which was midway between Kiowa and Comanche, it was hoped to
pick up the family and all escape together to Comanche. The
first part of the scheme was successfully carried out but in attempt to
put the latter into execution Mrs. Tiedemann and her son were both shot
and killed. The unfortunate victims had to be
left behind in order to save the lives of those remaining and the
depleted party, after a life and death race, reached Comanche. The sole survivor of the Tiedemann family, Hattie,
saved through the bravery of a farm hand, who imperiled his own life in
carrying the child to the schooner, is now married and in this city.
Twenty-five years ago last October Mrs. Zang married Philip Zang
and has been inseparably connected with his good luck since he
commenced the brewing business here. Mrs. Zang
was completely wrapped up in her home and her husband's welfare and no
sacrifice was too great to undergo. She was a
most charitable woman and gave liberally to churches of all
denominations. One of her latest good works was
the endowment of a bed at St. Luke's Hospital in memory of her daughter,
the late Mrs. Annie Sigel. Besides the husband
and the two children mentioned Mrs. Zang leaves a sister, Mrs. Rosie
Schultz of Golden. Adolph Zang is a son of Philip
Zang by a former marriage.
The German Ladies Bowling Club will meet at 2 o'clock this
afternoon in East Turner hall to arrange to take part in the funeral of
Mrs. Zang.

Biography of Adolph J. Zang
Born: 14 August 1856
Died: 28 September 1916, 60 years
- Adolph J. Zang House located at 1532 Emerson Street Denver, CO
- Zang Brewery Address: 617 Water St., Denver CO
- Zang Mansion - 709 Clarkson, Denver, CO
This entrepreneurs business endeavors were Vindicator Consolidated Gold Mining Company, Zang Realty & Investment Company and Adolph J Zang Investment Company.
Married to Miss Minnie Louise Vogt. Their children Philip Adolph, Adolph Frank, Gertrude, the wife of Charles Leedom Patterson; Minnie Elizabeth; and Louise Adelgunda, the wife of John Henry Morrison.
A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Mr. Zang was born on the 14th of August 1856, a son of Philip and Elizabeth (Hurlebaus) Zang. Adolph Joseph Zang, after acquiring his early education in a private school in Louisville, Kentucky, conducted by Professor Heilman, went to Germany, where he spent two years in further study. He made his initial step in the business world in connection with the firm of J. Dolfinger & Company of Louisville, dealers in queensware, and his business enterprise and capability contributed much to the success of the undertaking.
His father, Philip, moved to Denver in 1869, Adolph followed him, became a resident of the city in 1882, and entered into business in connection with his father. Their interests in the brewing business, however, were sold to an English syndicate in 1889, but the firm insisted that Mr. Zang remain in the capacity of president and general manager. He so continued until 1912, however, he was extending his efforts in many other directions as the years passed and his investments showed the soundness of his judgment giving proof of his belief in Denver and its future.
Adolph Zang was one of the organizers of the Schirmer Insurance & Investment Company, which later developed into the banking house conducted under the name of the German American Trust Company of Denver, became American Bank & Trust Company. He was instrumental in developing this into one of the foremost financial institutions of the west and served as one of its directors from the time of its organization until his death, as well as the first vice president.
Adolf was one of the founders of the famous Vindicator Consolidated Gold Mining Company, operating large and heavily producing properties in the Cripple Creek district of Colorado, and at the time of his demise was its president. The town of G
oldfield owes its establishment to Mr. Zang, who was its founder. Extending his activities in mining, he became one of the directors of the Cresson Consolidated Gold Mining & Milling Company and one of its largest stockholders. He did much to assist in the legitimate development of the mining industry, not only in Colorado but also throughout the west, and was never afraid to back his judgment by the investment of his own resources.
He made extensive purchases of land in the state and founded the Zang Realty & Investment Company. He was the owner of one of Colorado's model farms, comprised of four thousand acres, situated only a few miles from Denver. This was devoted largely to the breeding of pureblooded horses, for Mr. Zang was a true lover of the noble steed and his horses were exhibited throughout the entire country, winning many blue ribbons. He imported from France a number of the finest animals that could be
purchased, among them a Percheron stallion, which won prizes at practically every large horse show in France and the United States.

On the 29th of March 1881, Mr. A. Zang was married to Miss Minnie Louise Vogt, a daughter of William F. Vogt, a jeweler of Louisville, Kentucky. They became the parents of two sons and three daughters. Philip Adolph, Adolph Frank, vice president of the Vindicator Consolidated Gold Mining Company, secretary of the Cresson Consolidated Gold Mining Company, secretary of the Adolph J. Zang Investment Company, director of The Rare Metals Ore Company and treasurer of The Ferro Alloy Company; Gertrude, the wife of Charles Leedom Patterson; Minnie Elizabeth; and Louise Adelgunda, the wife of John Henry Morrison.
The hand of death broke the family circle on the 28th of September 1916, Mr. Zang having been taken suddenly ill while on a trip of inspection to the Vindicator mine. His death was the occasion of the deepest regret because of his wide acquaintance and his many admirable traits of character. He was a Scottish Rite Mason, an Elk, and a life member of the Denver Athletic Club and was a member of every civic and commercial organization of Denver, all of which profited by his cooperation and his public spirit. One of his-most marked characteristics was his love of literature and his taste along that line was most discriminating. His library was equaled by but few private collections in the United States, either in its size, its range or in its intrinsic value. A contemporary writer said of Mr. Zang:
"He was essentially and before all else a devoted and home-loving man, domestic in all his tastes and neglecting no opportunity to cultivate the beautiful things of life. He was a true and liberal philanthropist, never making known his beneficiaries but giving freely to charities of all kinds. He was most democratic in his attitude toward all men, a man of imposing stature, lovable and genial to an extreme and loyal not only to his friends but to the world."
- Zang Spur Park located West 10 & Depot Hill Road Broomfield, CO 80020; part of a railroad line from Golden to Zang farm in current day Broomfield
- Lakeside Amusement Park located at 4601 Sheridan Blvd, Denver, CO 80212; originally developed by Zang as White City, it was opened in 1908
- Oxford Hotel located at 1600 17th Street, Denver, CO 80202
- El Senor Sols Mexican restaurant (former location of Zang Brewing Co.) located at 2301
7th Street, Denver, CO 80211, off I-25 in the vicinity of Children's
Museum and Ocean Journey near the Platte
- Alamo Placida Park - the land for this park is believed to have been
gifted to the city of Denver by Adolph Zang